Welcome to the Shad Derby Festival Green Page
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the 2025 Shad Derby Festival!
The shad always return!
Festival Vendor/Exhibitor Info:
The annual Windsor Shad Derby Festival will be held on the Windsor Town Green on Saturday, May 17, 2025. Detailed information for vendors follows the sign-up buttons and can be downloaded from this link: Detailed Vendor Information.
If you have any questions not answered there, please email greenchairman@windsorjaycees.com with your questions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: if you do not receive an answer within 24 hours please email Burt Smith directly at bonehead@acm.org.
Please DO NOT call the Windsor Town Hall as they are not responsible for Shad Derby Green applications and will refer you to the Jaycees.
You should receive an email confirming receipt of your application within 48 hours of submission; please contact the Jaycees at greenchairman@windsorjaycees.com or Burt Smith at bonehead@acm.org if you do not receive a confirmation. If you mail your application please allow 1-2 weeks for processing. The confirmation will not include your final booth assignment. Locations are not finalized until May.
Important: see full Shad Derby regulations below the sign-up buttons
Layout is approximate and may change based on Town of Windsor Green maintenance, etc.
Shad Derby Green Vendor/Booth Information
The Town Green will officially open at 7:00am for set-up and 10:00am for business. The Town Green will officially close at 4:00pm.
Our committee will be on the Green to answer any questions you might have the day of the event.
Non-compliance with regulations stated herein may result in immediate removal from the Green without a fee refund.
1. The standard booth size is 20 feet by 10 feet (200 square feet) with the long side facing the center of the green in most cases. Booths have a fixed measurement of 10 feet in depth. They may be on grass or concrete pad sections of the Green. Spaces will not have electricity unless you purchase electricity in advance.
2. Booth set-up must occur before 9:00a.m. due to the closing of Broad Street for the parade. Booth set-up may begin as early as the day before the event at your own risk. Most vendors set-up between 7:00am and 9:00am the day of the event.
3. You must supply your own tables, chairs, tents, and building materials.
4. NO STAKES are to be driven into the Town Green due to the underground sprinkler system. If you have a tent, please bring alternative weighting materials. You will be responsible for damages to Town property. Consider bringing tent weights for windy weather even if your tent typically does not need them.
5. No cars, trucks, trailers or heavy equipment are allowed on the Town Green without prior approval - especially during set-up and removal.
6. You are restricted to your assigned areas, DO NOT deviate from the assigned marked space on the Town Green. Circulating on the Town Green or along the street is prohibited. Police take notice.
7. Although the Windsor Jaycees attempt to limit the number of duplicate vendors, this is not a juried event and the Jaycees do not restrict similar commodities or services be for sale by other vendors.
8. Change is not supplied, so bring sufficient supply for your needs.
9. You will be responsible for your assigned area, including the placement of trash in plastic bags on the Broad Street curbside at the end of the day.
10. There is no rain date. There is no refund of payment for any reason including weather.
11. Items for sale which involve the firing or jettison of water, chemical or projectiles, fireworks & caps will not be allowed on the Town Green. On Shad Derby Day, we reserve the right to ban the sale of these items, as well as any items that are deemed to be inappropriate by the Windsor Police Department. The Windsor Police Department is on notice and will be patrolling the Town Green to ensure compliance with this Town Ordinance. Individuals or organizations selling such offensive items will not receive future invitations.
12. A very limited number of reserved parking spaces for personal vehicles only are available near CVS. Due to the closing of Broad Street for the parade, you must park your vehicle before 9:00 a.m. and there are no refunds for late arrivals. Each vendor may reserve one space when submitting an application for a booth. ONLY ONE space may be reserved per vendor, and spaces are to be used only for personal vehicles, not trailers or oversized vehicles. Overflow parking is available at Windsor High School. IMPORTANT: no shuttle service from the High School was available last year and shuttle availability is TBD for this year.
13. All booths must close at 4:00 p.m. If you distribute prizes, all prizes must be given out by 4:00 p.m. This will be strictly enforced.
1. Beer sales may start at 11:00 a.m. and will end promptly at 4:00 p.m. Police will take notice.
2. If food or beverage of any kind is to be involved (whether sold, given away, prepared on-site or pre-packaged, including candy and water), you MUST obtain a temporary food permit from the Town Health Office by 4:30 p.m. TWO WEEKS prior to the Shad Derby. The permit is available at the Town of Windsor web site at http://www.townofwindsorct.com/health near the bottom of the page. No permit means no food. Please note there is a fee for this permit (non-profits are exempt). There are many rules you must abide by when selling food, such as: you must have a town approved canopy covering the food (contact Town Hall for approval), all cooking must be done on the town green and no food will be allowed to sit on the ground. These are just a few of the many town requirements. You will receive details with your food permit from the Town of Windsor.
3. If cooking is to be done, you must supply a five-pound (5lb.) dry chemical fire extinguisher, securely mounted and displayed (B & C rated-grease or electrical).
4. All components, including fuel tanks, hoses and fittings of liquefied petroleum gas cooking appliances must be of a type approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory such as the American Gas Association or must have been serviced by a licensed gas appliance serviceman or company. Please Contact the Fire Marshal's office for inspections or additional information. Appliances fueled by Flammable liquid are not for use on the Green.
5. Although power on the Town Green is limited, the use of individual generators to supply power is strongly discouraged. We reserve the right to request or to prohibit their use.
6. Waste water, such as cooled water from cooking, should be disposed of in the port-a-potties, not emptied onto the grass or into the Town fountain/sewer system. For food/health rules or questions, please contact the Health Department at the Windsor Town Hall at 860-285-1823. For any other questions, please contact the Windsor Jaycees at greenchairman@windsorjaycees.com.
1. You must make arrangements for electricity PRIOR to the event. It will be next to impossible to revise your location the morning of the Derby, and the electricians run wires to the registered vendors several days before the event. There is a fee for their service.
2. You are strongly encouraged to arrive early (well before Broad Street closes at 9:00am) to ensure your electrical requirements have been met.
3. Your outlet may be as far as 50 feet from your space. You must bring with you sufficient length three wire-grounded extension cord. (Remember to test the cord before the event day).
4. There is limited electricity supply on the Town Green. All appliances must run on standard 110 volts and draw less than 20 amps. A limited number of 220 volt connections are available. If you need more than 100 volts, you MUST request and pay for this in advance (even if you need it every year), and we will try to accommodate you if possible.
5. Any vendor who has paid for electricity will receive one (1) outlet with a twenty (20) amp maximum per outlet requested. Plugs will not be split. No power cords or splitters. If your power requirement exceeds 20 amps and you have not requested an additional outlet, we will be unable to provide it to you on Shad Derby Day (a good rule of thumb is, if you have more than 1 appliance, you need more than 1 outlet).
6. If you have not requested electricity, then you will not be located near any. Therefore, if you require it, please request it when you register. If your needs change, please contact us immediately. It will be next to impossible to revise your location or electrical connections the morning of the Derby.
Postal mailing address if paying by check:
Windsor Jaycees
PO Box 67
Windsor, CT 06095
(Make checks payable to the "Windsor Jaycees")
Have a Great Shad Derby Day and we thank you for your participation!
Burt Smith
Windsor Jaycees Shad Derby Green Committee
greenchairman@windsorJaycees.com (or greenchairman@yahoo.com)
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